
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations."

Matthew 28:19

Here at Redemption Church, we take this mandate from Jesus seriously as we work
to take the hope of the gospel around the world.

Special Missions Project

In 2022, in partnership with Dana and Brigette Metcalf, we began raising money in order to build a church building for a local congregation in Nepal. The project was completed in 2023.

Thanks to the generous donations from members of Redemption Church, in addition to the originally planned structure, a Sunday School building was also built.
(Pictures and Video below)

Active Missionaries

Redemption Church has made a financial commitment each month to the following missionaries.

Tanya Aderman


Dana and Brigette Metcalf


Kristina Keen

Northern Ireland

Jose and Ashley Talavera


Shannell and Mu-Huai Hsueh


Mark James and Sarah Brown


Ryan and Amy Jacobs


Victor and Irina Gaiduchik


Jeff and Sara Alexander

Chi Alpha Campus Ministries

Solomon and Lori Wang


Daniel & Kazune Matsunaga

Japan, Northern Pacific Rim, Asia Pacific

Jacob's Hope


Japheth & Carol Trigo


Active Organizations

Redemption Church has made a financial commitment each month to the following organizations.

Life Choices Community Pregnancy Clinic

Carson City

Comunidad Cristiana Vida

The Dominican Republic

Join the Mission

Select "missions" on the drop down below to give directly to the Missions ministry.

Contact the Missions Directors